Abiding Faith: Why should a person be saved/born-again/become a Christian? To be a better person and live a moral life? To show compassion for the poor or to improve the dismal state of our communities? To have all your problems solved and your needs met? No. The reason to believe God, believe in God, and accept His Salvation is simply this – God is righteous and man is a sinner; Man will spend eternity in hell because of his sin and he cannot escape Hell by his own force of will or determination; Christ paid the price for mankind’s sin by his death, and by his he resurrection offers us eternal life and fellowship with him in Heaven. Don’t sell the Gospel of Jesus Christ short. Don’t try to add artificial value or appeal to Salvation, and don’t go beyond what the Bible says by taking it out of context. The promises of God are sure, they need no sensationalism or artificially added value. Jesus Christ is sufficient. The impact of Salvation on your life will be performed by God’s will and power. Believe because God is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.