Does Satan have a stronghold over you, your family and your relationships? James tells us to draw close to God and He will draw close to us; resist the Devil and he will flee. Satan gets his stronghold when people: fail to pray about all things; fail to study the Word of God; fail to practice God’s Word; refuse to follow the Holy Spirit; fail to love the brethren; try to satisfy the flesh rather than please the Holy Spirit.
If you want to be free from the stronghold of Satan you must reverse the curse by returning to God. Confess the sins you currently practice or have failed to acknowledge. Repent of your sin and obey God’s Word. Forgive those who’ve wronged you. Read Psalm 51, 73, 37, 32, & 27. Pray for guidance and strength. Daily put on the full armor of God. Get to a Bible teaching, Bible Living, Discipleship Training, Body of Christ loving Church.
If you begin with these things the Holy Spirit will give you peace and guide you to what He wants from you. Of course, you can ignore these instructions and be content to needlessly suffer the fiery darts of Satan.
The Choice is yours. Abundant Life or abundant strife.