“…lead me on, let me stand. I am tired, I am weak, I am worn”. Nothing personal, but I feel like this when I have those intense weeks of numerous services and hospital visits, bills, chills, spills, sickies, ickies, not to mention preparing for sermons and studies all week long. Sometimes I forget that I need the Lord to renew my strength. I get caught up in the doing. I get wrapped up in the having to get it done. Diligence in ministry is required but we can wear out the mind and body even though the spirit is willing. So this song reminds me to ask God for the strength to make it down the path for today’s part of the journey. I ask for today’s daily bread, daily direction, and daily instructions. I find that when I ask for what I need today I get it. By asking for it I remind myself that my help and my strength comes from the Lord. Remembering He supplies what I need helps me remember to be a good steward of what He has given me. A steward works to please his master and not himself. I desire my labor to be pleasing and honoring to the Lord. So I ask the Lord for the strength to make it on the journey.
Do you need strength? Are you feeling weak and run down? Spend some time with God in study, prayer, and meditation. You don’t need to remind him what you need. Just ask him for what you need and then trust him to do it. “Cuz they that wait upon the Lord … .” – riiiight!
“Precious Lord, take my hand. Lead me on, let me stand. I am tired, I am weak, I am worn. through the storm, through the night, lead me on to the light. Take my hand, Precious Lord and Lead Me On.