Many people are deceived and destroyed by false doctrine because they don’t know what true doctrine is; they don’t know God or His Word. The truth of the Bible reveals God’s holiness and sovereignty. Biblical truth provokes the knowledge of sin, the call for repentance and the ability to believe. The life of a person who knows true Biblical doctrine produces holiness, promotes grace, and practices love.
I’ve been told that Treasury Department Agents do not begin their training by learning how to spot forged currency. Instead, they are trained to look for the marks which verify currency is genuine. This method equips them to spot a forgery every time because they are looking for what is genuine not what is fake.
Knowing Biblical truth works the same way. To know the truth of God’s Word we must believe that God is and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). When we hunger and thirst for His kingdom righteousness He satisfy us with His truth (Matthew 5:6). When we ask Him for wisdom He gives it to us (James 1:5). He does this so we will be spiritually assured and capable of walking genuinely in the faith. He does this because it glorifies Himself and sanctifies us.
Once we learn to recognize Biblical truth we need to commit to following it. When we follow after Biblical truth we’ll always be able to spot false doctrine and false teaching.
Pursue the truth of God and His Word and you’ll never have to worry about false doctrine or false living. You’ll be able to get your Faith To Go!