ABIDING FAITH: Four things that make a Christian and congregation spiritually powerful and spiritually productive for God: Worship, Fellowship, Teaching/Study, and Prayer. Four things that make a Christian and congregation spiritually weak and unproductive for God: NO Worship, NO Fellowship, NO Teaching/Study, and NO Prayer. “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers”., Act 2:42
Category Archives: Simple Thoughts
Servant or Celebrity
Abiding Faith: Seeking popularity is the process of bringing attention to one’s self for personal glory. To maintain popularity you find out what people like or dislike and then conform yourself to be more appealing. Paul told us NOT to be conformed to the system of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds in order to prove what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. But popularity and celebrity seek to deceive and distract us from God’s will. The right thing may not always be convenient or popular but the right thing is always right. Trust, worship and follow Christ – that’s always the right thing.
Are you making yourself available for God’s use?
“Abiding Faith: Philip met the Ethiopian Eunuch by following the Holy Spirit’s direction. He has seen God start a revival in Samaria, but God told him to leave in the middle of success. God equipped Philip, created the opportunity for him to witness to the Ethiopian Eunuch, and told him to go to the desert. When you’re available to God’s kingdom agenda he uses you, when you’re not he doesn’t. If you haven’t had an opportunity to witness for God lately ask yourself a question. “Have I made myself available to God lately?”
Nagging, Conviction and God’s Love
Abiding Faith: The Holy Spirit is grieved by sin, compromise, and hypocrisy in your life. He’ll warn you, convict you and even trouble you to bring you to repentance. Ignore him and eventually, He will stop speaking to you. If you’re being troubled (or nagged) in your spirit, see it as a sign from God, “for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth”.
If You’ve Been Blessed then Be a Blessing
Abiding Faith: The spiritual and the tangible blessings from God are not given to be flaunted in our pride or hoarded in our greed and selfishness. What God gives we are to use to his glory. To his glory means to be consistent with His Holiness and His Salvation through Christ. You can’t play God either, he knows your REAL HEART.
A Strong Faith is a Tested Faith
Abiding Faith: The walk of faith is not without it’s problem and that’s the point. We don’t and won’t truly understand the maturity of our faith until we have been tried. Start praying for God to deliver you through and not just deliver you from trials. See James 1:2-4
If you have Abiding Faith
Abiding Faith: Seeks what is godly good to use for godly glory; to give what is gained by godly means and use it for godly service.
Another Thought on Abiding Faith
Abiding Faith: is not a temporary emotional expression of religious hope or expectation. It is the spiritual foundation of the believer’s life and produces a persistent character consistent with Christ’s and other believers.
Quick thought on Abiding Faith
Abiding Faith: It resides in the heart and mind, it influences your actions, and it motivates you to exhibit the character of Christ.
Bringing Them Up in the Way They Should Go.
Our children’s character will be forged by the challenges they encounter. But their confidence & courage comes from parents (& mentors) who tell them how grateful & honored they are by how well they’ve matured. Though the culture sends a different message, our children desire to know we approve of them. Today let your …child know you approve of them before the world does and diverts them from the godly path.