Too many professing believers accept junk food religion & reject sound doctrine/genuine relationship w/God and are spiritually malnourished
Category Archives: Simple Thoughts
More About Belonging to a Successful Church
We will be successful in our churches when we are more concerned with God’s assessment of us rather than being obsessed with society’s assessment.
We will be successful in our churches when we are determined to demonstrate the best of Christ rather than our ability to integrate worldliness into our churches.
We will be successful in our churches when we are driven to let the righteousness of Christ rule in us rather than be overruled by compromising Biblical wisdom so we can conform to worldly behavior.
We will be successful in our churches when we are more concerned with honoring God with our hearts and hands every day rather than giving God rhetorical lip service, while still holding on to our right to behave as un-Christ-like as possible and stay under the world’s radar.
“… if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him …”
Keep on Keeping on.
Continue to preach the Gospel & sowing the seeds of Salvation. Resist the temptation to seek crowd consensus. Stay true to the master.
It’s a Joint Effort
Remember I sow & you water but God gives the increase. Stop trying to pull the converts out of the world, let God draw & grow them.
It isn’t Prosperity if in the End You Lose it All.
My brothers and sisters. Please stop turning the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the Christian life in to a vain pursuit of materialism, and a false belief system that we are only blessed when we are problem/trouble free. Do you want Christ or a placebo? D.T.F (Deny Yourself – Take Up Your Cross Daily – Follow Christ)
Ways to Live.
Abiding Faith Practices Grace and Benevolence.
Help from God in Difficult Times.
The night before Jesus was to be killed, He prayed and asked God if were possible to remove this cup of suffering from Him. Yet, He immediately says, “nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will”. Jesus knew that if He didn’t suffer and die there would be no salvation for mankind to escape Hell and live with God forever. He was in saying Father, I’ll do what you want me to do.
Sometimes we are faced with difficult tasks and times. They may be painful, uncomfortable, or just not what we wanted. Whether or not we want to deal with something is not nearly as important as how we deal with it. That’s when it’s best look to Christ who did what was painful so we could live forever. The walk of faith will be filled with difficulties, pain, and troubles. if we focus these things we’ll be distracted from the task at hand and possibly miss a blessing along the way. That’s way Hebrews reminds us to “lay aside every weight and sign that so easily besets up, and run the race with patience, looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith”. Paul said, “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.”
Ask God for help and He will. “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.”