Believers: The moment you give a higher priority to your ego, emotion, or experience over Biblical faith and obedience you’ve just removed God from the throne of your life and sat down in his place. In order to experience the peace and assurance God gives we have to remain plugged into him, his authority, and his direction. It may not make sense and it might cause discomfort, but the Lord knows what he’s doing, and he’s going to work out for your good in the end
Faith To Go!
Moved by Love.
The believer’s faith should be motivated by love. A personality driven by cynicism and skepticism is motivated by doubt and fear.
Consider Psalm 1, Proverbs 3:5-6, and 1 Corinthians 13.
God’s Plan for His Church is Perfect!
The local church congregation is God’s institution for discipleship and development of believers. To abandon it is to reject God‘s plan for His people. To conform it to the standards of self-will or worldly patterns is to defy the Divine intention of the Savior.
There are some who’ve been seduced by spiritual arrogance, greed, and pride; they cannot see the beauty contained within the Body of Christ.
Instead of trying to improve God’s plan for the church or trying to mold it into what pleases yourself, try following Christ, His Word, and The Holy Spirit.
Peace with God.
Do you live under the shadow of approval or disapproval from others. Turn your focus to Christ and find relief in Him. Even when circumstances don’t change, Christ can give you a supernatural peace that surpasses human logic. Those self-appointed judges will never understand why you seem so at peace until they turn to Him as well.
Trust Has Consequences!
Things that are dangerous and senseless: Trusting a non-believer to help you understand Spiritual things and their implications to your life; trusting an alligator that offers you a ride across a river.
You Will See This Again!
Here’s a thought concerning the controversy surrounding comedian, Kevin Hart, and Kyler Murray, Heisman Trophy winner, concerning their past tweets.
I’m not justifying what was tweeted, nor am I taking a position on how long ago the tweets were made, or the age when the tweet were made.
My position is this: Stop posting inappropriate and unkind things – PERIOD. It shows disrespect to the party; it undermines your intelligence; and it could publicly injure your integrity. There will always be someone willing to dig up your past to treat you like ‘the woman caught in adultery’, but in today’s society you may not find forgiveness. YOUR INAPPROPRIATE POSTS WILL COME BACK TO BITE YOU.
Before you post, you should definitely T.H.I.N.K.:
T – is it True?
H – is it Helpful?
I – is it Inspiring?
N – is it Necessary?
K – is it Kind?
Matthew 12:37, Ephesians 4:29, and James 4:11–12 advise and caution us about the spiritual consequences of our irresponsible use of words.
As Believers, we should practice the words of Apostle Paul, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”, Phil 4:8.
Masters, But Not Disciples
Beware of the flood of would-be masters who will not be disciples.It is Oxymoronic/Paradoxical to find those who are resistant to authority yet they wish to be authoritative; to encounter those who refuse to follow leadership yet wish to lead others.
Would You Refuse to Share the Gospel Because the Person Didn’t Look or Live Like You?
Would you only share the Gospel message with people who dressed or lived like you; only to people that lived where you lived, and/or had an upbringing similar to yours? Would you only share the message of Salvation through Christ, with others if they had hair or they had tattoos like yours? If you shared the same educational background or had similar experiences growing up would that motivate you to willingly make an appeal to others. If their politics, race, or gender were the same as yours; would that provoke you to share your faith and belief in Christ?
Would you reject sharing the gospel with a man because you’re a woman, or with someone who is Asian because you’re Caucasian? Should a Black man or woman not share the Gospel with a Korean person? Are Millennials and Gen X’ers justified for not sharing the Gospel with Boomers? Should you avoid sharing the Gospel with someone because their earring was in their nose instead of their ear?
Would you resist sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with anyone, not because of their expressed hostility to the Gospel, but because of their cultural, economic, educational, ethnic, or visual differences?
They traveled to places and encountered people they historically considered ‘less’ than them and held in contempt. These Jewish believers formerly thought they were superior because of their religious heritage. But Paul said:
After His resurrection, the Lord commanded His Apostles to go to ethnically foreign and religiously dissimilar people. Go to all nations, in all the world, to every creature, unto the uttermost part of the earth; to atheistic, pagan, and hostile societies and share His message of Salvation, forgiveness, and eternal life. Does this sound like they would be in cultures which reflected their cultural, religious, and social values? No.
The decline of faith is not new, Scripture declares that in the last days many will fall away, however, we still have the mandate to share the Gospel with the world, in spite of their differences. We can’t talk about God’s love and then refuse to share it. The popular illusionist, Penn Jillette, of the team Penn and Teller, and a self-proclaimed atheist said:
Paul explained it like this:
Heaven expects it:
So, friends, in 2018 consider sharing the Gospel with people because they don’t know Christ. Don’t hold back because they’re different. If they’re willing to listen, be willing to share. If they don’t want to hear, you’ve lost nothing, but if you don’t share you may have lost a potential brother or sister in Christ. Remember, God will give you the opportunity if you trust Him.
Thanksgiving 2017
I’m grateful for all that God has done for me!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
The Knowledge of Biblical Truth Protects Us From False Doctrine.
Many people are deceived and destroyed by false doctrine because they don’t know what true doctrine is; they don’t know God or His Word. The truth of the Bible reveals God’s holiness and sovereignty. Biblical truth provokes the knowledge of sin, the call for repentance and the ability to believe. The life of a person who knows true Biblical doctrine produces holiness, promotes grace, and practices love.
I’ve been told that Treasury Department Agents do not begin their training by learning how to spot forged currency. Instead, they are trained to look for the marks which verify currency is genuine. This method equips them to spot a forgery every time because they are looking for what is genuine not what is fake.
Knowing Biblical truth works the same way. To know the truth of God’s Word we must believe that God is and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). When we hunger and thirst for His kingdom righteousness He satisfy us with His truth (Matthew 5:6). When we ask Him for wisdom He gives it to us (James 1:5). He does this so we will be spiritually assured and capable of walking genuinely in the faith. He does this because it glorifies Himself and sanctifies us.
Once we learn to recognize Biblical truth we need to commit to following it. When we follow after Biblical truth we’ll always be able to spot false doctrine and false teaching.
Pursue the truth of God and His Word and you’ll never have to worry about false doctrine or false living. You’ll be able to get your Faith To Go!